1. nem volt net egy hetig
2. nagyon jol elvoltam, nem volt idom irni
3. ketszer voltam balnauszason de azokrol nem lehet csak igy felvallrol irni.
So I disappeared for some times, for several reasons:
1. we had no internet for a week
2. I was having so much fun, had no time for writing
3. I was swimming with the whales two times, but I needed time and good pics/devices to write a complete, complex post about them
Szoval. Eredetileg haromszor voltam a hajon de elso alkalommal nem usztam csak lattam. Jobb is volt igy, azt hiszem ha rogton uszassal kezdem, nem tudtam volna kezelni azt a sok erzelmet. Igy csak a tavolbol neztem ahogy ugral ki a vizbol.
So. Originally I was 3 times for whale-watching but for the first time, we could not swim, they did not wanted. I think it was better this way, if I was swimming with them immediatelly for the first time, I think I could not handle my overflowing feelings. So for the first time, I was only watching them breaching from the distance.
Utana viszon azt hiszem, kimaxoltam mindent amit a balnakkal kapcsolatban kivanhat az ember.
Masodjara rogton vagy 4 anyaval es borjaval talalkoztunk, 2-vel usztunk.
Felemelo latni ahogy az anya orzi a kicsit, tanitgatja, terelgeti, a kicsi az anya orran pihen, vagy epp kivancsian ugral ki a vizbol.
But after that, I think I experienced the most, what some could wish from the whale swimmings. For the second time, we have met with 4 mother and calf combo, swam with 2. It was amazing to see, how a mother taking care of her baby, teaching, guarding, keeping the baby on her nose, or when the baby is jumping out of the water out of curiosity.
Amikor uszol a vizben a tobbiekkel, de epp valaki kitakarja a latvanyt, ezert melleuszol s hirtelen ott van elotted az egesz balna szemtol szembe, 10 meterre, s levegot nem veszel a sok erzelemtol, majd egy pillanat alatt kikerul s arrebbviszi a kicsinyet, mert alig par hetes s nem ker a tarsasagunkbol egyelore (amit mi tiszteletben is tartottunk s otthagytuk oket).
And when you are in the water with the others, and someone is swimming just right in front of you so you cannot see the whale, swimming next to that person and the whale is face to face with you in 10 meters, and you are holding your breath because of your emotions, while they are by-passing, because they want to be alone (which we were respecing so let them go).... just incredible.
(A kep illusztracio, mert ilyenkor nem arra figyel az ember hogy kepeket csinaljon, forras/ The photo is an illustration, because you are not really paying attention about taking photos in times like this, so credit: http://www.tonywublog.com/journal/humpback-whales-in-tonga-2012-part-5/ )
A kovetkezo kepeket a guide-unk csinalta a turan, aki hivatasos fotos is, en is ezeket a balnakat lattam. Next photos were taken by our guide on our whale swimming trip, I was swimming with these whales. https://www.facebook.com/ejsencounters/
(Az en vagyok es ezek a balnak)
(That is me and these whales)
(That is me and these whales)
Ezek pedig az en amator videoim/my amateur videos:
A masodik alkalom egy kicsit mas volt. Rogton reggel talalkoztunk anyaval, borjaval es az escort-jukkal (egy himmel). Borongos ido volt, a vizben nem lehetett latni messzire, s amig probaltunk kozelebb uszni anyahoz es a kicsihez, akik a vizfelszinen jatszottak, egyszercsak megpillantottuk alattunk az escortot, minket meregetve. Lattad a szemet, amint azon gondolkozott, mit akarunk, s o mit csinaljon velunk. Kozel volt, nagyon kozel, pont alattunk.
The second time was different. We have met with a mom and calf AND their escort (a male) immediatelly in the morning. The weather was cloudy, the visibility in the water was not so good, so while we were trying to swim closer to the playing mom and calf, the escort suddenly appeared below, watching us. We could see his eyes, thinking about what are we, what do we want, what should he do with us. It was really close, exactly under us.
The second time was different. We have met with a mom and calf AND their escort (a male) immediatelly in the morning. The weather was cloudy, the visibility in the water was not so good, so while we were trying to swim closer to the playing mom and calf, the escort suddenly appeared below, watching us. We could see his eyes, thinking about what are we, what do we want, what should he do with us. It was really close, exactly under us.
(A kepeket az aznapi guide-unk csinalta/ Photos by our guide: https://www.instagram.com/travcampbell/?hl=en )
Aztan talalkoztunk egyel ami megorvendeztetett minket egy full breach-csel, amirol persze nincs video mert a semmibol jott, senki nem szamitott ra, de teljes testtel kiugrott, valahogy ugy, ahogy a kepen:
After this encounter, we have met a happy one, who did a full breach for us (of course, no video or photo, because it came from nowhere, noone expected it, but it looked exactly like in this piucture):
Aztan orakig semmi, majd jott a feketeleves: egy horgonykotelbe gabalyodott balna. A kiseroink csekkoltak, es eleg elkeserito volt a helyzet, a farka kore tobbszorosen csavarodott a vastag kotel, aminek a vegen valahol a melyben ott volt a horgony is. Nalunk egy rozsdas 10 cm-es kes volt. Szerencsenkre a kozelben volt egy fiji balnanezo yacht, teljes legenyseggel: whale guide-okkal, dive master-ekkel, safety diver-rel es mindenfele vagoeszkozzel. 4 ora alatt sikerult kiszabaditani a balnat, es valami fantasztikus erzes volt vegigkiserni a folyamatot, erezni az osszefogast, az aggodast, a joszandekot, es a vegen a sikert, hogy megmentettunk egy eletet.
Then nothing for hours, when suddenly a nightmare: an entangled whale with a whole anchor with rope. Our guides checked her, the situation was really desperate and serious, because the anchor was pulling her tail down, it was heavy, and the rope was 3-4 times tangled to her tail. We had noyhing just a rusty small knife. Our luck was the fijian whale watching yacht, what was close to us, and came immediatelly for our call: with whale guides, dive masters, safety divers, and the most important: equipments. In 4 hours of trying, they freed the whale, and it was incredible to see and feel the unity, worrying, goodwill, and the succes of saving a life.
(Foto a Naia honlapjarol van, a teljes sztorit itt olvashatjatok/Credit and the whole story from the Naia, here: https://www.naia.com.fj/blog/haapai-humpback-whale-rescue/)
Azt hiszem, ennel tobbet nem kivanhattam volna, nem beszelve a naplementekrol a parton, amikor balnak ugralnak a horizonton....
I think, I could not ask for more, and I did not even mentioned the sunsets on the beach, when whales were breaching from the water at the horizon....